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Forest Trees

Internal Family Systems (IFS)

IFS therapy was created in the 1980's by Dick Schwartz, PhD.  He discovered, just like each member of our family seems to play a specific role with each other, we have parts of ourselves that play certain roles, too.  These parts of us make up our internal"family."

As a Level 1 trained IFS coach, I get to warmly welcome all the parts in your inner world and help you get to know them.  We create a safe place for you to be fully seen and heard!  I will support you in learning to offer this warmth and acceptance to yourself.


You get to grow in your awareness of who you are and what you need to feel safe in the world.  I will support your discovery of the wise, curious, loving core of you called "Self" in IFS.  As you deepen your access to your Self, you will begin to bring loving witnessing and understanding to each part of you.  With your and my Self present, we can heal old wounds.  You will find life starts to have possibility and creativity again!

I am grateful to my Level1 IFS Training instructors, Ann Sinko, Sue Richmond, and Madeline Warren, as well as the program assistants.

Kara Stella

Embodied Self Coaching



©2024 Embodied Self Connection by Kara Stella. Created with

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